Saturday 14 May 2016

Presenting Author K.R. Morrison

K.R. Morrison has lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 25 years.  She moved there from California, after the Loma Prieta earthquake caused her to rethink her stance on “never moving again”.  At her first sight of Oregon, she never looked back.

She wrote her first book, “Be Not Afraid”, after a nightmare she experienced would not leave her mind, even when awake.  A second book, “UnHoly Trinity”, was launched this past January, and the third and fourth in the series are being worked on as of this writing.

She has also co-authored a book entitled “Purify My Heart” with Ruthie Madison, and edits for her publishing house, Linkville Press.  Book reviewing and editing for indie authors take up a lot of her time as well.

When not writing or working, she quilts or works in the garden.

She lives with her husband, her very artistic daughter, and a monster-sized cat. Her son makes an occasional visit from his temporary home in Brazil.

You can reach her here: